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Google dusts off operating system

Native client
Google has finally come up with an answer to rumors that it was planning to release its own operating system, based on Linux. It has released something called Native Client, which is designed to make the Web a better platform.
It gives Web developers access to the full power of the client's CPU, while maintaining the browser neutrality, OS portability and safety that people expect from Web applications.
According to Brad Chen of Google's Native Client team, a Native Client plug-in works in conjunction with various Web browsers, but lets Web-based applications take advantage of a computer's significant processing horsepower. That puts it in a similar camp as Sun Microsystems' Java, Microsoft's Silverlight, and Adobe Systems' Flash, which, like Native Client, include a "runtime" foundation for running the software.
It is just a research project at this point, but will save the outfit the hassle of creating its own operating system. That is, if it ever gets off the ground.
Native Client works on Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome, Google said.