Nvidia told the world that in Q3 2008, around 55 percent of the market was notebooks and this is very exciting for Nvidia, as it now has an chipset for Core 2-based notebooks.
Apple was the first to announce that its notebooks, including MacBook Pro and Air “Jordan” Mac, are using Nvidia’s Geforce 9400M chipset, and this is a big growth opportunity for Nvidia. Nvidia also commented that they have great margins out of these chips.
Naturally, this 55 percent is mostly based on Intel, and Atom cheap small netbooks certainly helped in this game; and this paints a clear picture of where the industry wants to go.
This chipset is the first ever that they launched for Intel CPUs and Nvidia promised even more in years to come, as long as Intel lets them. Nvidia was clear that it has a DMI license for Core 2-based CPU but so far it failed to get QDI license, something you need for Bloomfield Nehalem chips; but this doesn’t affect notebooks at all.
Notebook market will, of course, continue to grow but don't expect desktops to actually disappear because of that.