It is not a good time to be in PR or marketing at Intel, in fact it is starting to look like open season on PR bunnies. Intel is shedding jobs in its marketing department before the new chief marketing officer Steven Fund, arrives, meaning that he will probably enter the office and be greeted only by the cleaner and tumbleweed.
More than 40 marketing employees have accepted voluntary incentive packages to leave. Marketing vice presidents Kevin Sellers and Nancy Bhagat, who would have reported to Fund, are also leaving before he gets there. CEO Brian Krzanich said during an online Reddit discussion in February that Intel needed to revamp its marketing to get back some of its "coolness" so we guess its race of PR bunnies were too hot. Morale amongst those who actually are left is lower than those who served under Sir Charles MacCarthy mistakenly gave his solders macaroni instead of bullets.
The chipmaker's marketing department has struggled over the past year or two to captivate consumers with new ultrathin laptops and two-in-one tablets. Intel spokesman Chuck Mulloy declined to confirm how many people had left, but he said they fall within a previously announced plan to trim the chipmaker's workforce by 5 percent this year. But he said they were not leaving as a reaction to specific problems in the marketing department.
Intel's marketing department had more than 300 employees spread around different business units and offices prior to the cuts.