Published in News

New Xbox and PlayStation coming in 2013 at the earliest

by on30 January 2012

We don’t have to upgrade, they think

The original plan to launch new consoles was to have new Xbox and PlayStation in 2010 but since 2008 was such a wonderful year for the global economy, Sony and Microsoft had to revise their plans to launch new hardware that soon.

At that time they pushed the update to 2012 timeframe but Xbox Kinect and partially Sony Move gave these rather old consoles a new breath of life. The sales spiked and pushed the update another few quarters. The timeframe for new consoles we are hearing today is 2013.

We already wrote that both Sony and Microsoft have chosen AMD for its graphics but our sources close to Nvidia are claiming that nothing has been decided yet and that it can change in the blink of an eye. It has happened before, the companies have changed their mind on chipset providers in the past, but so far it seems AMD has won this round.
Many factors will play a big role and price of a chip will be a massive decision maker. AMD and Nvidia don’t make much money from consoles, but it is good to have many games developed for a console that has your chip. This can make porting to PC much easier, and obviously plays a big role.

So, according to many industry insider sources we talked in the last few weeks, the next generation PlayStation and Xbox won’t be coming this year.

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