He helped the industry to reinvent many of these categories, he showed the world how getting music online can be a legal operation and showed the music industry that downloading content can be legal and profitable. iPhone helped Apple reach out to a population of non-geeks and girlfriends that liked it as a phone but wasn’t as passionate as an average geek about every technology innovation.
He made Pixar what it is today and sold it to Disney so you have to thank his vision for having great 3D cartoons. Pixar started the toy story generation of cartoons that got super popular after Shrek.
Jobs faced serious health issues since 2003 and had pancreatic cancer treatment in 2004. After that Jobs retuned and continued spearding good vibrations with superb sales of iPods, and later iPhones and iPads. Later he had his liver replaced due to a hormonal imbalance but got well and returned to his job after a leave of absence in 2009. In 2011 he takes a leave of absence, launches iPad 2, steps down as a CEO of Apple and passes away on October 5th 2011.
Our condolences to his family, friends, co-workers and everyone who enjoys tech. The industry would not be what it is today without visionaries like Steve. He will be missed, but his legacy will stand the test of time for years to come.