Wikileaks apparently managed to lose control over its stash of diplomatic cables and this times it seems the entire database is out for good.
Wikilieaks had originally distributed the entire database, but it was protected by a password. However, German paper Der Freitag announced that it managed to “easily” obtain the password. Der Spiegel weekly also confirmed that the password was out. We are guessing it was assange12345.
It appears Wikileaks founder Julian Assange gave the password to an external contact, just in case he one day disappears in a black bag and a wakes up to find himself in rendition, in some rundown third world hellhole, with a redneck female prison guard pointing at his private parts.
The leak was apparently done completely inadvertently, there was no attack and nobody was too keen to get the database online. However Der Spiegel speculates that disgruntled Wikileaks staffers could have been behind the leak and that rival OpenLeaks was somehow connected to the leak.
So far Wikileaks is telling the world there was no leak and that the whole issue relates to a malicious individual.
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