Early indications from a number of retail sources tell us that video games and video game accessories will feature heavily in Black Friday sales promotions this year. While Microsoft’s Kinect for Xbox 360 and Sony’s PlayStation Move are the biggest new offerings that are getting the most press, video game titles and the actual consoles are expected to also sell well this year.
Electronics in general is expected to be strong, as well, with the iPad to also be among the most chased after items this holiday season. LCD televisions are also expected to make a big splash this holiday season due to expected price cuts that will make affording a second or third set very possible this holiday season. Don’t expect 3D TV to make a big splash this holiday season, as most consumers seem to continue to ignore the 3D offerings.
Black Friday is again expected to be a big shopping day in the U.S., with retailers expecting larger crowds and longer lines in part due to the attractive sales that are expected this year. Look for our upcoming Black Friday deal highlights coming soon on Fudzilla.
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Black Friday to feature lots of electronics
Video games and add-ons to be big this year