In the midst of numerous important things happening around the world, the U.S. House of Representatives has vowed to put an end to porn viewing and downloading on government computers.
We’re not sure of the exact date when all computers around the world start being classified as government computers, but we know the reasons behind this move. Apparently there are reports that while Wall Street was going down, financial regulators were watching porn. The same happened in the National Science Foundation and Interior Department, the latter employees including the ones who were supposed to be watching over Gulf of Mexico oil platforms.
The proposal isn’t limited to only federal networks - it includes military and civilian contractors. This means that government contractors will have to filter their own networks as well, despite the fact that it’s solely for use within their company. John Morris, general counsel for the Center for Democracy and Technology in Washington, said: “It really is breathtaking how broad the reach of this is, and will lead to constitutional problems and economic problems”.
On the other side of the porn fence, Cris Logan from anti-porn group Enough is Enough, says that her group is all in favor of this as the internet features "close-ups of graphic sex acts, lewd exhibition of the genitals and deviant activities such as group sex, excretory functions, and the like...Pornography addiction in this country is skyrocketing, and it's having a direct impact on the productivity of those who use it."
You can find out more here.
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House of Representatives votes to block porn on government PCs
Porn is at fault for everything
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