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Samsung shows off Vulkan improvements
Published in Graphics
Tuesday, 28 June 2016 13:56

Samsung shows off Vulkan improvements

A need of the many

Samsung has been showing off its Vulkan API improvements for its Galaxy S7 and S7 edge.

Intel supports Vulkan 1.0 API
Published in PC Hardware
Thursday, 17 March 2016 12:26

Intel supports Vulkan 1.0 API

DirectX 12 might have a rival as Intel issues new drivers

Intel is releasing graphics drivers that support the Vulkan 1.0 API for chips running Windows 7, 8 and 10 PCs.

AMD confirms Polaris for the mid-year
Published in News
Friday, 04 March 2016 11:54

AMD confirms Polaris for the mid-year

Fury X2 on track

AMD held a Q&A with Reddit users and confirmed that its Polaris GPU is on track for the middle of the year and the Fury X2 will be appearing.

Radeon Software Beta for Vulkan
Published in Graphics
Wednesday, 17 February 2016 12:35

Radeon Software Beta for Vulkan

The needs of the many still rest on DX12

AMD has released the first public beta driver which supports  the Vulkan API – a royalty-free, open standard API spec which provides high-efficiency, cross-platform access to graphics and compute on GPUs. 

Khronos Group releases Vulkan 1.0 API
Published in Graphics
Tuesday, 16 February 2016 21:03

Khronos Group releases Vulkan 1.0 API

Full hard launch

The Khronos Group has now officially released the Vulkan 1.0 API, including all the specifications, conformance tests, SDKs and all other resources.

Vulkan limited to AMD GPU
Published in Graphics
Monday, 18 January 2016 11:03

Vulkan limited to AMD GPU

It keeps using the word open source but...

AMD seems to be having trouble understanding what open source means. It is saying that its forthcoming Vulkan driver will only work with the AMDGPU DRM kernel driver.

Vulkan 1.0 update delayed
Published in Graphics
Monday, 21 December 2015 11:10

Vulkan 1.0 update delayed

The needs of the few outweighed the needs of the many

The people behind Vulkan, the new generation, open standard API for high-efficiency access to graphics and compute on modern GPUs, have admitted that they are having a few problems.

Linux Vulkan will be closed source
Published in Graphics
Friday, 18 September 2015 12:47

Linux Vulkan will be closed source

At least for now 

AMD has confirmed that although it has a Linux driver for its Vulkan card it will initially be closed source.

Android calls in Vulkan support
Published in News
Tuesday, 11 August 2015 15:03

Android calls in Vulkan support

Live long and prosper

Android to get a graphics boost with a low-overhead rendering API named after a pointy eared star trek hero or a British bomber depending whether you are a trekky or a military buff.

Valve develops its own Intel graphics driver for Linux
Published in Graphics

It will be open sourced

Valve has developed its own Intel Vulkan GPU graphics driver for Linux that they intend to open-source.