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Texas wants to stop social media banning people for political views
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Conservative politics comes from god and cannot be censored

Fresh from passing laws giving men control over women’s bodies, Texas politicians now believe that it is “their time” and that the conservative Supreme Court will approve any dumb arse law they want.

Social media made lockdowns lonelier for older people
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At least according to the shrinks

Social media contact during the pandemic made many over-60s feel lonelier and more depressed than no contact at all, new research has found.

Trump sues social media giants over gagging
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Backed by a right wing supporters group

Former President Donald Trump, backed by a lobby group of his wealthy supporters, is suing Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

Homeland Security will read your social media posts
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At least someone will care what you ate for breakfast

The Department of Homeland Security has begun implementing a strategy to gather and analyse intelligence about security threats from public social media posts, DHS officials said.

Philippines most obsessed with social media
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Monday, 30 November 2020 09:53

Philippines most obsessed with social media

Followed by Colombia

The Philippines is the country most obessed with social media, followed by Columbia, according to a study from

FCC contradicts itself over social media regulation
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It claims has the powers it said it did not have before

The FCC’s arguments that it has the power to become Donald Trump’s censor of social media contradict the arguments it used for another of its controversial decisions – ending net neutrality.

Trump orders Republicans to pressure social media
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They are biased against my fans

Donald “Don’t wear a mask, corona only infects the weak” Trump is leaning on Senate Republicans from his sick bed to ratchet up scrutiny of social media companies it sees as biased against conservatives in the run-up to the November election.

Trump asks court to reject social media gagging case
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All been a terrible misunderstanding

The Trump administration has filed a motion asking a court to dismiss a lawsuit against the president’s executive order targeting social media companies, calling it a “profound misunderstanding”.

US adults who get their news from social media are a bit thick
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You probably were not expecting this

According to a report from Pew Research, US adults who get their news mainly from social media platforms tend to follow the news less carefully and are less informed on vital subjects.

Trump has cunning plan to regulate social media
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 FCC to change the law

US President Donald Trump is going to make sure that censoring him on social media will open a door to massive civil law suits.