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OpenAI shocked to discover system can be fooled
Published in AI

By a pen and paper

Researchers from machine learning lab OpenAI were shocked to discover that their state-of-the-art computer vision system can be deceived by tools no more sophisticated than a pen and a pad.

Microsoft invests a billion in OpenAI
Published in AI
Tuesday, 23 July 2019 12:02

Microsoft invests a billion in OpenAI

Will develop tech for Azure

Microsoft today announced that it would invest $1 billion in OpenAI, the San Francisco-based AI research firm cofounded by CTO Greg Brockman, chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, with backing from luminaries like LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman and former Y Combinator president Sam Altman.

OpenAI teams up with Microsoft for cloud-based research
Published in News

A new breed of AI to remake technology as we know it

In a blog post on Tuesday, Microsoft AI and Research Group executive vice president Harry Shum and Sam Altman, co-chair of OpenAI, announced a partnership to explore advanced AI algorithms to benefit humanity by using Microsoft’s Azure cloud as the platform of choice.