News - subcat

Tuesday, 07 June 2011 10:35

No Beyond Good & Evil 2


Will have to wait till next generation
Monday, 06 June 2011 10:08

Xbox may get streaming TV service


Likely announced at E3 if agreements are in place
Friday, 20 May 2011 10:20

Microsoft to give away more Xboxes


For students who buy a Windows 7 PC for $699
Thursday, 19 May 2011 09:54

Problems for new 360 XGD3 disc format

Microsoft moves to replace problem consoles for free
Monday, 16 May 2011 09:59

360 Brink gets multiplayer update


Free content package coming in June
Friday, 13 May 2011 10:07

PS3 trade-ins on the rise


Some unwilling to wait any longer
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 09:52

Skype will come to 360 for Kinect


Could be a game changer for Microsoft
Friday, 06 May 2011 09:54

3 discs for L.A. Noire on 360


No disc swap drama, however
Friday, 06 May 2011 09:52

Guardian Heroes heading to XBLA


New HD made over version of a classic
Wednesday, 04 May 2011 10:06

THQ reports $136 million lost


A drop of 9 million from previous 12 months