News - subcat

Friday, 14 November 2014 08:48

Game distribution wars have begun

Ubisoft flips Valveā€™s Steam, makes up

Tuesday, 16 September 2014 08:33

Steve Jaros departs Volition for Valve

Unclear what impact it will have on Saints

Wednesday, 18 June 2014 08:58

AMD wants Mantle on Linux

Mantle Steam Machines anyone?

Wednesday, 14 May 2014 09:16

Nvidia Shield gets Half Life 2

Portal as well, $9.99 each

Half Life 2 teased as well

Wednesday, 19 February 2014 11:38

Valve tries to defuse data row

It knows which sites you visit

Thursday, 16 January 2014 11:23

Valve redesigns Steam Controller

Gets rid of the touchscreen/touchpad

Not a moment too soon

Monday, 06 January 2014 20:12

Valve reveals twelve Steam Machine partners

Bunch of famous names on the list

Thursday, 10 October 2013 09:55

AMD Steam machines coming in 2014

Choo choo