Apple attempts to get a Seoul
Adopts missionary position in Samsung's home ground
The fruity tax dodging cargo cult Apple has decided that it can open one of its consumer cathedrals in Samsung’s heartland.

Is the Note 7 overheating a conspiracy?
Are all these "exploding" Note 7 cases real?
A recent case in China has suddenly made the case of the “exploding” Galaxy Note 7s look like a conspiracy.

Samsung 7 recall failing
Users don’t want to let them go
Despite all the horror stories in the Tame Apple Press, and the fact the product is having a recall, Samsung Note 7 owners are not handing over their machines.

US Samsung Note 7 bans aimed at protecting Apple
Koreans think it is an over reaction
Korean experts are getting a little miffed at the way that the US government is handling Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 recall and is starting to suspect that it is an attempt to protect Apple.

Samsung is cursed
The Gods have spoken and the ground shakes
Samsung appears to have hacked off the gods – first its Note 7 batteries start exploding and now the ground is literally being pulled from under its feet.

Samsung in talks for graphics tech from Nvidia and AMD
Wants a graphics core
AMD and Nvidia are apparently in a scrap to provide Samsung with a graphics core for its custom CPU.

Tame Apple Press claims Samsung will ditch the jack
Hit the road jack
The Tame Apple Press is telling the world that Samsung is so impressed with Jobs’ Mob’s "brave move" to purge the headphone jack it is set to copy it.

People snub digital wallets for now
We'd much rather have cash
It looks like the rush by Apple and Samsung to create digital wallets has been pretty much useless.

LG snubs EU with V20
Europeans don’t want big screens, which is news to us
LG has decided that Europeans don’t want big screen phones and are not issuing the V20 in that region.

HP buys Samsung's printer business
Prints off a $1.05 billion dollar cheque
The maker of expensive printer ink, HP, has written a $1.05 billion cheque for Samsung's printer business.