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Google misses on quarterly revenue estimates
Published in News

Margins erode like dust in the wind

Google parent Alphabet missed analysts’ quarterly revenue estimates for the first time in at least two years and reported continuing erosion of its operating margin.

Google asked Andy Rubin to quit for being a sex pest
Published in News

But still gave him a hero’s farewell and a pile of cash

The creator of Android, Andy Rubin, was asked to leave Google for being a sex pest, but the search engine did its best to pretend everything was great.

Google's shocking third party charger antics spark fury
Published in Mobiles

Apple-like antics on Pixel 3

Google appears to be following Apple-like behaviour on its Pixel 3 by forcing users to buy its high price charger while throttling third party gear.

France angry over tech giant taxing
Published in News
Friday, 19 October 2018 12:04

France angry over tech giant taxing

Stop talking and make them pay up

The French government is getting its baguettes in a knot over delays in getting the US tech giants to start paying tax.

Next gen 2019 Snapdragon PC goes multi OS
Published in PC Hardware
Friday, 19 October 2018 10:41

Next gen 2019 Snapdragon PC goes multi OS

Chrome to join Windows 10

Miguel Nunes, a senior director of product management at Qualcomm, took the stage at one of the ARM TechCon presentations and shared details about the 2019 always connected Snapdragon PC. ACPC stands for Always connected PC.

Google to start charging for Google Play
Published in News
Wednesday, 17 October 2018 11:45

Google to start charging for Google Play

Will also allow rival versions of Android

Search engine outfit Google will charge smartphone makers a licensing fee for using Google Play app store and allow them to use rival versions of its Android mobile operating system.

"Do not track" function is a chocolate teapot
Published in News
Wednesday, 17 October 2018 11:41

"Do not track" function is a chocolate teapot

Ignored by most websites

Those who think that switching their browser to “do not track” will prevent companies spying on them are wasting their time.

Google officially unveils its new Pixel phones
Published in Mobiles

The $800 Pixel 3 and the $900 Pixel 3 XL

After months of rumors, Google has now finally announced its new Pixel smartphones at its special Made By Google event, the Pixel 3 and the Pixel 3 XL.

New Pixel phones are out today
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 09 October 2018 13:03

New Pixel phones are out today


Worldwide launch for Andriod showcase gear

Google will unveil the third edition of its Pixel smartphone at ten media events across the world on Tuesday, a hint that it is prepared to expand geographic distribution.

Google drops out of defence cloud
Published in Cloud
Tuesday, 09 October 2018 11:55

Google drops out of defence cloud

Claims being a Jedi is against its corporate values

 Google has decided not to compete for the Pentagon's $10 billion cloud computing contract claiming that it is against its corporate values.