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Qualcomm posts bonds to enforce iPhone 7 / 8 Germany ban
Published in Mobiles

Investigative dive: Apple or 3400 distributors cannot sell 7 or 8

Qualcomm has posted a bond to enforce an iPhone 7 / 8 Germany ban and affecting immediately Apple or its 3400 distributors which are not allowed to sell, distributive or import iPhone 7 or 8 and plus variants of both. Apple has been in dispute with Qualcomm over licensing and lost the hardware patent case in a German court in Munich on December 20th, 2018. After Qualcomm posted a bond, the permanent injunction is immediately enforceable.

Cook blames users repairing iPhones for woes
Published in Mobiles

They are not even using Genius bars

Apple supreme Dalek Tim Cook has found another reason why Apple sales are falling – those evil users are repairing their old phones.

Qualcomm enforces ban to halt some Apple iPhone sales in Germany
Published in Mobiles

Looks like Apple is not going to get away with it after all

As we predicted, fruity cargo cult Apple is not getting away with ignoring a court ban in Germany and is being forced to pull iPhones from its stores.

Apple’s grip on smartwatch slips
Published in IoT
Friday, 04 January 2019 10:08

Apple’s grip on smartwatch slips

Share dropping

While the overall smartwatch market is experiencing steady growth, Apple’s hold on market share continues to slip.

Apple’s safe adapter wasn’t court told
Published in News
Thursday, 03 January 2019 11:36

Apple’s safe adapter wasn’t court told

Set fire woman’s face

Fruity cargo cult Apple faces a $75,000 lawsuit over claims its discontinued MagSafe power adapter connector set a woman on fire.

Apple admits it is going to miss iPhone sales
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 03 January 2019 10:18

Apple admits it is going to miss iPhone sales

About as much on target as an Imperial stormtrooper bagging Ewoks

Apple CEO Tim Cook published a letter to investors warning of weaker than expected first quarter earnings.

2018 was the year that Apple arrogance backfired
Published in News

Even fanboys say it is charging too much

Fruity cargo cult Apple will write 2018 as an annus horribilis as its arrogance and complacency over its fanbase caused the sales of its iPhone cash cow to plummet.

Netflix backs out of Apple tax
Published in News
Monday, 31 December 2018 12:03

Netflix backs out of Apple tax

Another Apple revenue stream bites the dust

Netflix is further distancing itself from Apple's 15 percent iTunes tax bracket.

Analyst: Apple is not a tech company
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 28 December 2018 11:36

Analyst: Apple is not a tech company

Think of it as a consumer staple

Apple analyst Gene Munster claims that people should stop thinking of Apple as a tech company but as a consumer staple like Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, and Philip Morris.

Apple and Foxconn to start building iPhones in India
Published in Mobiles

Where no one can afford them

Fruity cargo cult Apple will begin assembling its top end iPhones in India through the local unit of Foxconn as early as 2019.