Apple continues to tank
As iPhone sales fall, Tame Apple Press pulls out the stops
The Tame Apple Press is doing its best to spin the slow-moving train wreck, which is the iPhone results.

Google finds five flaws in Apple software
But... but it is supposed to be perfect
Google researchers have shared details of five flaws in Apple's iMessage software that could make its devices vulnerable to attack.

Siri recording your conversations
Contractors have a good laugh about your accent
While Apple has been at the forefront of lecturing other companies about privacy it seems to have forgotten that it recorded customer conversations to its outside contractors.

Trump says Mac Pro will suffer from tariffs
Will be even more expensive
US President Donald [Prince of Orange ] Trump has decided that the US flagship of corporate capitalism Apple will have to pay tariffs on Mac Pro parts made in China.

Apple should expect iPhone sales to fall
But you will not hear that from the US press
While the Tame Apple Press is desperately trying to talk up sales of Apple’s ageing iPhone cash cow, the signs are that numbers will fall again.

Apple's buys Intel's modem business
Top analyst says it is all about 5G
Apple has confirmed that after knifing Intel's modem business by returning to Qualcomm, it has bought the business. Moor Insights & Strategy analyst Anshel Sag (pictured) has said the move is all about 5G, which was one of the reasons why Apple abandoned Intel.

Apple uses search to stomp on competing apps
Breaks its own rules on rankings
Apple has been breaking its own rules on rankings to make sure its products kill rivals in its app store, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.

Apple is picking at Intel's modem corpse
Something else we warned would happen
The fruity cargo cult Apple is predictably in talks to buy Intel's modem business after causing that arm of Intel to crash earlier this year.

Why is Apple leaking like a sieve?
Have its days of neurotic secrecy passed?
Last week Apple’s black shirted staff security appeared to be out to lunch and iPhone details started to leak

Apple downgrades hard drive speeds
Technology is moving too fast for Apple
Apple today announced updates to the MacBook Air and 13-inch MacBook Pro and while the Tame Apple Press enthuses about price drops the fact that Jobs' Mob is moving to older and slower technology is not getting much of a mention.