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Apple’s documentation is missing
Published in News
Wednesday, 30 October 2019 11:01

Apple’s documentation is missing

A developer has even looked at the back of the sofa but there was nothing

Developer Chris Krycho has attracted a fair bit of attention for pointing out that parts of Apple’s software documentation is non-existent.

Why Apple software is so buggy
Published in News
Thursday, 24 October 2019 10:57

Why Apple software is so buggy

Former software engineer explains what is going wrong

David Shayer, who worked as a software engineer at Apple for 18 years across iPod, the Apple Watch, and Apple's bug-tracking system Radar, among other projects, has been explaining to Apple fanboys why software standards have shot down the loo.

Apple prices are silly, but Motorola says "hold my beer"
Published in Mobiles

Bound to Razr an eyebrow or two 

While most people think that Apple's move to jack up the price of handsets backfired, it seems that Motorola didn't get the memo and is making the price tag of its Razr even more stupid.

Apple cocks up the time again
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 22 October 2019 11:35

Apple cocks up the time again

Orders customers to upgrade

The fruity cargo cult Apple’s inability to do basic programming is being used as a marketing tool to force users to update their software.

Former Apple people intro smarter smartphones
Published in Mobiles

Innovation happens outside the fruity cargo cult

A startup founded by a former Apple bloke is coming up with cutting edge technology which aims to bring something new to the smartphone industry.

Kids can easily bypass Apple Screen Time
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 16 October 2019 10:57

Kids can easily bypass Apple Screen Time

Don’t outsource parenting to Jobs’ Mob

Apple fanboys who believe that they can outsource parenting to their favourite company beware – your child can bypass Apple Screen Time.

Apple ordered TV content creators to be nice to China
Published in News


The fruity cargo cult Apple ordered TV show content creators that they must not show China in a bad light in any of their programmes.

Apple sharing fanboys' Safari data with the Chinese
Published in News

What could go wrong?

Apple, which often positions itself as a champion of privacy and human rights, is sending some IP addresses from users of its Safari browser on iOS to Chinese conglomerate Tencent -- a company with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Apple’s plans for Mac compatibility fall short
Published in News

Consumers must pay twice within walled garden of delights

Apple has been unable to get cross-device compatibility within its walled garden of delights going correctly and the only people suffering are consumers.

Apple drops Taiwan
Published in News
Tuesday, 08 October 2019 10:42

Apple drops Taiwan

Must... obey... China

In a desperate attempt to get the Chinese onside again, Fruity Cargo Cult Apple is trying to pretend that Taiwan does not exist.