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Steve Jobs blocked Amazon Kindle purchases
Published in Mobiles

Antitrust inquiry into Apple's antics

According to a collection of internal emails recently released by lawmakers, as part of the House Judiciary Committee's antirust probe into Apple, a series of Amazon advertisements prompted Steve Jobs and Phil Schiller to block in-app purchases of Kindle books on iOS.

Apple makes more cash than expected
Published in News
Friday, 31 July 2020 12:08

Apple makes more cash than expected

Confirms more product delays

While the fruity cargo cult Apple had supply problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic, its bottom line was boosted by people suddenly needing gear to work from home.

Apple slashed its App Store fee for Amazon
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Mates rates

While the fruity cargo cult Apple is insisting that it needs to take a third of profits from app store developers, it is not above doing cosy deals with the likes of Amazon.

Apple's 5G iPhone might be delayed again
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 30 July 2020 11:26

Apple's 5G iPhone might be delayed again

Qualcomm hints of delays

Qualcomm's Q3 earnings report might indicate a delay for Apple's upcoming 5G iPhones, with the company highlighting a "partial impact from the delay of a global 5G flagship phone launch" for its fourth quarter projections, which covers July, August, and September earnings.

Arizona investigates Apple
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 30 July 2020 11:01

Arizona investigates Apple

Slowed down older iPhones

Arizona is leading a multi-US state probe into whether Apple deliberate slowing of older iPhones violated deceptive trade practice laws.

Big Tech spins its way through the halls of power
Published in News

As we predicted, it was a waste of time

The four big tech leaders spun their way through an antitrust panel in which they were so safe they could practically admit antitrust behaviour and get away with it.

Apple demands cut of virtual exercise classes
Published in News


You might have saved your business, but you have to give us a third of your income 

After Airbnb and ClassPass began selling virtual classes because of the pandemic, Apple demanded a huge slice of the profits.

Big Day for Big Tech
Published in News
Wednesday, 29 July 2020 10:15

Big Day for Big Tech

It is going to tell Congress what to do

It is a big day for the four biggest names in technology, they are going to show up in front of Congress which is pretty much in their pockets and answer tough questions like “how do you relax?”

Apple sued over gift card scam
Published in News
Monday, 27 July 2020 11:08

Apple sued over gift card scam

Makes profits from crime

"Apple is being sued for allegedly refusing to help those who have fallen victim to a iTunes gift card scam.

Apple investigated for lying to customers
Published in News

Always let your conscience be your guide

Several US states are investigating the Fruity Cargo Cult Apple for deceiving consumers, according to a March document obtained by a tech watchdog group the Tech Transparency Project.