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Court was wrong when it quashed Apple fine
Published in News
Monday, 01 February 2021 13:42

Court was wrong when it quashed Apple fine

EU antitrust enforcers appeal

EU antitrust enforcers have claimed a court made legal errors when it scrapped their order for iPhone maker Apple to pay 13 billion euro in Irish back taxes, in a filing to have the verdict overturned.

Facebook will launch antitrust action against Apple
Published in News

This will run and run

A long-simmering public dispute between Facebook and Apple is going to result in the social notworking outfit suing the cargo cult for antitrust antics.

Hyundai executives not happy with Apple tie-up
Published in News


Might not happen

While the Tame Apple Press enthused about a Hyundai making the Apple car, apparently all is not well with that particular fantasy.

Apple hit by another class action
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 26 January 2021 13:15

Apple hit by another class action

Tame Apple Press reports "Apple has more class"

A third class action lawsuit has been filed in Europe against Apple seeking compensation -- for what Italy's Altroconsumo consumer protection agency dubs "planned obsolescence" of a number of iPhone 6 models.

Apple reshuffles
Published in News
Tuesday, 26 January 2021 11:48

Apple reshuffles

Tame Apple Press moist over "new project" rumours

When most companies remove a long standing manager from a role, the tech press gets suspicious, but when it applies to Apple, rumours start of a new game changing project which will put Apple back on the map.

Apple set to ditch iPhone Lightning port
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 19 January 2021 11:32

Apple set to ditch iPhone Lightning port

Shocking new cuts prove Apple can't conduct itself properly

Fruity cargo cult Apple has been progressively cutting functionality from its iPhones starting with the headphone plug, but now it seems that its policy of offering users less for more money is continuing.

Apple removes anti-security feature
Published in News
Friday, 15 January 2021 12:41

Apple removes anti-security feature

Allowed Apple apps to bypass third party firewalls

Apple has removed a controversial feature from the macOS operating system that allowed 53 of Apple's own apps to bypass third-party firewalls, security tools, and VPN apps installed by users for their protection.

Apple and Hyundai will make "Apple car"
Published in Transportation
Monday, 11 January 2021 11:47

Apple and Hyundai will make "Apple car"

Autonomous electric cars available in 2024

Hyundai Motor and the fruity cargo cult Apple will sign a partnership deal on autonomous electric cars by March and start production around 2024 in the United States.

Apple "invents" foldable phone
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 05 January 2021 11:21

Apple "invents" foldable phone

Anyone else who claims to have invented it is a liar

Fruity cargo cult Apple has apparently invented a foldable iPhone, long after its rivals took the plunge and innovated the idea and made it work.

Apple claim it invented security software backfires
Published in News

Loses Corellium case

Apple's claims to have invented Corellium security software have been thrown out of court.