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Apple’s sales too unprofitable
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 22 March 2019 11:59

Apple’s sales too unprofitable

Top department store snubs Job’s Mob

Australia's largest department store Myer has announced that it will stop selling Apple products because they are unprofitable.

Kaspersky Lab makes antitrust complaint against Apple
Published in News

Oh those Russians

Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab has filed an antitrust complaint against the fruity cargo cult Apple with the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Apple earbuds will spy on you
Published in News
Thursday, 21 March 2019 11:23

Apple earbuds will spy on you

As well as wireless charging and voice controls

Fruity cargo cult Apple has released some new wireless earbuds which will listen to your every move at no extra charge.

Apple “refreshes” iMacs with old technology
Published in PC Hardware

Didn’t even bother changing the design

The fruity cargo cult Apple showed its commitment to direct users by releasing a refresh of its iMacs which are not much better than the already out of date versions on the market.

Apple ignores users in Flexgate row
Published in PC Hardware
Wednesday, 20 March 2019 12:33

Apple ignores users in Flexgate row

Refuses to admit design flaw

The fruity cargo cult Apple is refusing to acknowledge that its MacBook Pros are suffering from a design flaw.

Nexflix tells Apple to go forth and multiply
Published in News

Apple TV is not for us

The fruity cargo cult Apple's attempt to get into the television business has been delivered a slap over the nose with a rolled up newspaper by Netflix.

Apple stole three Qualcomm ideas
Published in News
Monday, 18 March 2019 12:38

Apple stole three Qualcomm ideas

Told to pay $31 million

Fruity cargo cult Apple’s quest to avoid paying Qualcomm billions in patent royalties has hit an iceberg as a jury has ruled against it.

Apple strikes back at Spotify
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 15 March 2019 13:15

Apple strikes back at Spotify

Wants 'the benefits of a free app without being free'

Apple has hit back in response to Spotify's European Commission (EC) complaint.

US court rules Qualcomm owes Apple a billion dollars
Published in News

If only we knew how to do that when debt collectors call

A US federal judge has issued a preliminary ruling that Qualcomm owes Apple $1 billion in patent royalty rebate payments.

Apple faces antitrust action in EU
Published in News
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 12:05

Apple faces antitrust action in EU

Spotify files EU complaint against Apple's 'anticompetitive' App Store rules

The fruity cargo cult Apple is finding itself in antitrust hot water in the European Union.