Chinese watchdog accuses chip tycoon Zhao Weiguo of corruption
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Central Commission for Discipline Inspection calls for charges 

China's anti-fraud watchdog has accused Tsinghua Unigroup former chairman Zhao Weiguo of corruption.

US government wants more sanctions against Chinese chip makers
Published in News

Wants to set the Chinese back ten years

The US government is working on even tighter restrictions to set Chinese chipmakers back nearly a decade.

Dell wants out of China by 2027
Published in News
Wednesday, 15 March 2023 11:15

Dell wants out of China by 2027

At least for US products 

Dell wants to break away from its dependence on Chinese manufacturing by 2027, at least for US products.

Nvidia faces big trouble in China
Published in Graphics
Thursday, 09 March 2023 11:56

Nvidia faces big trouble in China

It is still hopeful

The US government's is cracking down on the supply of chips to China is putting Nvidia between a rock and a hard place.

China gives $2 billion to largest chipmaker
Published in PC Hardware

Copying the US

China has committed to investing nearly $2 billion in its largest memory chip manufacturer. State-owned National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund to provide the US sanctions-hit industry with some cash.

It might not be difficult for China to catch up on chips
Published in PC Hardware

There are not that many patents that need circumventing

The Chinese government will not have that many difficulties working their way around US trade sanctions on chips, according to China’s Academy of Science.

Half of Apple's Indian made cases rejected
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 15 February 2023 12:04

Half of Apple's Indian made cases rejected

China was much better

Apple's attempts to move its production from China to India got a swift kick up the bottom line after it discovered that more than half the cases made in the Indian plants were being rejected. 

Singapore wants to profit from US and China tensions
Published in News

Wants to attract chip money

With the US and China squabbling over chip designs and other countries concerned about an imagined chip shortage and flinging money at super rich chip makers, Singapore wants its share.

US has kittens as China breeds quantum cats
Published in News
Wednesday, 01 February 2023 11:04

US has kittens as China breeds quantum cats

Chinese quantum computer is either dead or alive

The US government's attempts to keep its technology companies at the forefront of the world using sanctions have apparently failed again after a Chinese start-up has developed a quantum computer and delivered it to an unnamed customer.

China Academy of Engineering Physics runs on Intel and Nvidia chips
Published in News

So much for US sanctions 

The state-run China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP)  uses computers with Intel Xeon Gold processors equipped with Nvidia GeForce RTX graphics cards, despite being on the US export blacklist since 1997, according to its own research papers analysed by the WSJ.