Nigeria's phone ban: Millions to be cut off by government
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Give the government your details or lose your phones

Nigeria's government has ordered telecoms firms to cut off millions of mobile users who have not linked their SIM cards to their biometric IDs.

JPL stream cat videos from deep space
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It's what Jack Parsons would have wanted 

JPL has tested its Deep Space Optical Communications network by live streaming an HD cat video from 19 million miles away.

NASA’s space-based laser network works
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Making the network go "pew pew" 

NASA picked up a laser signal fired from an instrument that launched with the Psyche spacecraft, which is currently more than 16 million kilometres from Earth and heading toward a mysterious metal asteroid.

Ethernet turns 50
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22 November 2023

Ethernet turns 50

And still king

The leading technology for connecting computers, Ethernet, has turned 50, and there is no sign of it going away.

SpaceX's Starlink satellite internet breaks even
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Two million subscribers 

There's now two million subscribers to SpaceX's Starlink satellite internet service, with CEO Elon [look at me] Musk claiming the service has "achieved breakeven cash flow."