Amazon’s mesh networking outfit working with ISPs
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Improving home wifi

Amazon's Eero mesh networking company is introducing Eero for Service Providers which it claims could improve home wi-fi.

Verizon to launch 5G router
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With Qualcomm's long-awaited QTM527 antenna

Verizon is releasing the first 5G home router powered by Qualcomm's long-awaited QTM527 antenna.

Nokia wins BT 5G contract
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29 September 2020

Nokia wins BT 5G contract

Filling the Huawei space

Former rubber boot maker Nokia has signed a deal with Britain's biggest mobile operator BT to supply it with 5G radio equipment.

Ancient telly shuts down Welsh broadband
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No good boyo

The mystery of why an entire village lost its broadband every morning at 7am was solved when engineers discovered an old television was to blame.

Xilinx announces T1 5G O-RAN card
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Multi-function for Baseband Unit market

5G is one of these big vectors that will entirely change our lives and industries in many ways that one cannot even imagine. Xilinx will play a big part in that market as it just announced shipping of a Multi-Function telco accelerator card for growing 5G O-RAN virtual baseband unit markets.