Chinese hackers crack Norwegian software firm Visma
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“Potentially catastrophic attack”

Hackers working on behalf of Chinese intelligence breached the network of Norwegian software firm Visma to steal secrets from its clients, cyber security researchers said.

Russian hackers tried to discredit Mueller probe
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Stole evidence and then edited it

Russian hackers attempted to gather evidence to discredit the investigation into the involvement of President Putin in getting Donald (Prince of Orange) elected in 2016.

Russian hackers had another crack at the DMC
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Hoping to repeat their success in getting their candidate elected 

Russian hackers had a crack at the US DMC servers during the last mid-term elections in the hope of repeating their success in getting their presidential candidate elected.

Chinese hackers used HPE and IBM networks in attack
Published in Network

Targeted their customers

Hackers working for China's Ministry of State Security breached the networks of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and IBM, then used the access to hack into their clients' computers.

F-35s can be taken over by hackers
Published in News
Friday, 16 November 2018 12:13

F-35s can be taken over by hackers

Who needs rockets

F-35 is more likely to be bought down by an enemy hacker than a rocket or enemy plane.

US charges Chinese spooks and hackers
Published in News
Wednesday, 31 October 2018 13:56

US charges Chinese spooks and hackers

Trying to steal confidential aerospace technology

The US Justice Department has charged two Chinese intelligence officers, six hackers, and two aerospace company insiders in a sweeping conspiracy to steal confidential aerospace technology from US and French companies.

Chinese have cracked Trump’s iPhones
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 25 October 2018 11:51

Chinese have cracked Trump’s iPhones

China says he should use using something secure like a Huawei

Apple fanboy Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump has had his two iPhones hacked by the Chinese, according to the New York Times.

Russian hackers lobby leave voters
Published in News
Monday, 22 October 2018 12:45

Russian hackers lobby leave voters

Brexit is good for Russia

Russian hackers are flat out trying to mobilise “leave” voters to encourage them to force the British government to make a hard Brexit.

SAP and Oracle targeted by hackers
Published in News
Thursday, 26 July 2018 12:31

SAP and Oracle targeted by hackers

Mostly exploiting a failure to patch

At least a dozen companies and government agencies have been targeted, and thousands more are exposed to data breaches by hackers exploiting old security flaws in Oracle and SAP management software, two cybersecurity firms and Homeland Security have warned.

Iran hires cyber mercenaries for wet work
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Oliver's army is on its way

New research from Recorded Future has found that Iran is recruiting cyber mercenaries from online security forums to staff suddenly launched hacking campaigns.