Facebook censored pro-Biden advert
Published in News
Tuesday, 01 September 2020 11:22

Facebook censored pro-Biden advert

Video of Trump threatening to end Obamacare was apparently “inflamatory”

Facebook has admitted that it was wrong after blocking a pro-Biden ad submitted by Democratic political action committee Priorities USA, after initially telling the group the video violated its policy against “sensational” content.

Facebook ignored right wing call to arms post
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Admits "operational mistake" in allowing it

Social notworking site Facebook has admitted that it ignored complaints that a rightwing militia page was ordering its members to bring weapons to a demonstration.

Facebook surrenders to France
Published in News
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 09:52

Facebook surrenders to France

Zuckerberg agrees to actually pay back taxes

Facebook's French subsidiary has agreed to pay more than $118 million in back taxes, including a penalty, after a ten year audit of its accounts by French tax authorities.

Facebook lobbying might be behind the TikTok ban
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Behind the scenes "lobbying"

Social notworking site Facebook spent a fortune "lobbying" US politicans to close down its rival TikTok.

Oculus VR headsets will need a Facebook account
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Or your VR will never upgrade again

Existing owners who don't want to use a Facebook account have until 2023 before losing "full functionality".

US Justice Department preparing to take on Big Tech
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Anti-trust investigations for everyone

The US Justice Department is moving “full-tilt” on its antitrust investigation of Google and other Big Tech platforms.

Facebook removes key QAnon group
Published in News
Friday, 07 August 2020 11:25

Facebook removes key QAnon group

Now it has become part of the conspiracy

Facebook has removed one of the largest public groups devoted to the QAnon web of conspiracy theories after repeated violations of the company’s policies.

OnePlus phones hit by Facebook bloatware
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 07 August 2020 10:51

OnePlus phones hit by Facebook bloatware

They thought it would improve battery efficiency

OnePlus users have to grapple with another kind of bloatware -- Facebook.

Big Tech spins its way through the halls of power
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As we predicted, it was a waste of time

The four big tech leaders spun their way through an antitrust panel in which they were so safe they could practically admit antitrust behaviour and get away with it.

Big Day for Big Tech
Published in News
Wednesday, 29 July 2020 10:15

Big Day for Big Tech

It is going to tell Congress what to do

It is a big day for the four biggest names in technology, they are going to show up in front of Congress which is pretty much in their pockets and answer tough questions like “how do you relax?”