Windows 10 for mobile no great shakes
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 07 July 2015 13:57

Windows 10 for mobile no great shakes

Suppliers are still not enthused

While many Windows 10 to spark an interest in the PC and Notebook market, mobile makers, who should also see a knock on effect are not enthused.

BlackBerry will make Android machines
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 12 June 2015 13:12

BlackBerry will make Android machines

Bye-bye cult following

BlackBerry putting Android under the bonnet of some of its gear as it appears that its revamped line of devices failed to do so well.

Apple losing smartphone wars
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 26 May 2015 15:39

Apple losing smartphone wars

How quickly things change

Apple has spectacularly lost ground to its rival Samsung according to the latest figures.

NSA wanted to hijack the Android store
Published in News

Infect it with Malware

Spooks from all over the world had a cunning plan to crack open apps in the Android Store and infect them with spying malware and launch man in the middle attacks on users..

IDC sees second life for business tablets
Published in Mobiles

Consumers not so much

Beancounters at IDC have consulteed their tarot cards and are predicting that tablets will survive in the business area.

ARM sheds light on new Android runtime
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 05 May 2015 08:05

ARM sheds light on new Android runtime

Big ART upgrade expected

Android is about to get big overhaul of its ART runtime, but details are still sketchy. The update could appear in the next big release, but there is no official info at this time. 

Samsung upgrades Galaxy Alpha to Lollypop
Published in Mobiles

Starts in Korea

The Samsung Galaxy Alpha update to Android Lollipop has begun in South Korea.

Finally you can Google your Android phone
Published in News
Thursday, 16 April 2015 11:39

Finally you can Google your Android phone

Tells you where you left it

Google will let you use the search engine on your desktop computer to find your lost phone.

Google and Intel to speed up Android updates
Published in Mobiles

At least on Intel gear

Intel and Google want to slash the wait time for users to get Android updates.

WhatsApp starts to talk
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 15:20

WhatsApp starts to talk

Everyone's talking at me, can't hear a world they are saying...

WhatsApp has commenced rollout of its voice calling feature to all users on Android.