UK Firms embrace application containerisation
Skills shortage solution
According to Nutanix's latest Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI) survey, more than 90 per cent of UK organisations are diving headfirst into application containerisation, with 91 per cent already harnessing the power of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI).

Intel too hot for Cloudflare
We just can’t put Intel inside
Cloudy outfit Cloudflare has revealed that it was unable to put Intel inside its new home-brew servers, because they just used too much electricity.

Cloudflare snubs Intel and moves to AMD
Epyc Vote of confidence
Cloudflare has snubbed Chipzilla's 48-core setup of dual socket Intel Xeon Platinum 6162’s and is moving to a 48-core single socket AMD EPYC 7642.

Cloudflare offers free DDoS protection
Claims that DDoS will be history
Cloudflare is making protection against DDoS attacks free, regardless of how bad they are and claims that soon that method of bringing down a website will be history.