Brain Corp shows off artificial brain, thinks it will clean up
Published in News


An artificial brain called EMMA was officially launched today by the appropriately named Brain Corp.

Microsoft scores Tesla AI contract
Published in News
Wednesday, 16 November 2016 12:23

Microsoft scores Tesla AI contract

Cloud based AI for cars

Software king of the world Microsoft has won a contract with Tesla OpenAI, the non-profit artificial intelligence (AI) research firm backed by Tesla Motors.

Nvidia signs up World Wide Technology
Published in News
Friday, 04 November 2016 15:55

Nvidia signs up World Wide Technology

Deep learning, AI

World Wide Technology (WWT) said it has teamed with Nvidia to provide its customers with tech based on GPUs.

Yahoo develops AI anti-porn technology
Published in News
Monday, 03 October 2016 15:06

Yahoo develops AI anti-porn technology

Skynet gets Smut algorithm

Troubled search engine outfit Yahoo has been spending its money developing an algorithm which can spot porn at 20 paces.

Microsoft shows off its new artificial intelligence for Office
Published in News

We know what you do in meetings

Microsoft has announced several new artificial intelligence (AI)-powered features for Office 365 and Dynamics 365 for Sales.

Nvidia's artificial intelligence goes on show
Published in Graphics
Tuesday, 27 September 2016 13:00

Nvidia's artificial intelligence goes on show

Welcome your new Nvidia overlords tiny humans

Nvidia’s CEO Jen-Hsun Huang told the assorted throngs at Nvidia's GPU Technology Conference (GTC) 2016 about his artificial intelligence plans.

Intel buys Movidius
Published in News
Tuesday, 06 September 2016 12:13

Intel buys Movidius

It's that vision thing

Chip giant Intel said it will buy Movidius, a company that specialises in VR headets, drones and robots.

Apple claims it is already doing AI
Published in News
Thursday, 25 August 2016 14:48

Apple claims it is already doing AI

Everyone else copied it

Apple has baffled those technology journalists who have not sold their souls to the fruity cargo cult by claiming that it is already doing AI and it is right up there with the big boys and girls.

Apple turns to made up products as cash cow gets stuck
Published in Mobiles


Yesterday Apple had a go at peddling a fantasy to reassure the world that its iPhone cash cow was not on its way out due to mad cow disease.

AI comes up with something vital
Published in News
Monday, 11 July 2016 10:57

AI comes up with something vital


It seems that AI is finally doing something useful, rather than mucking around winning gameshows and pretending to be women on cheesy dating sites.