AI might save humans after all
Published in AI
Friday, 21 February 2020 08:52

AI might save humans after all

Boffins asks Hal to sort out antibiotic problems

While people worry about AI taking over the world and killing humans, it looks like it has come up with a powerful antibiotic that kills some of the most dangerous drug-resistant bacteria in the world.

AI develops human medicine
Published in AI
Friday, 14 February 2020 09:38

AI develops human medicine

Human trials have begun

A medicine developed by artificial intelligence may be used to treat patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

AI did kung flu on Wuhan virus
Published in AI
Wednesday, 29 January 2020 10:00

AI did kung flu on Wuhan virus

First off the bat

A Canadian health monitoring platform using AI beat the World Health Organisation and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at spotting the Wuhan Virus, which crossed to humans from bats.

2020: The Year of 5G, AI and Automotive
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 22 January 2020 13:03

2020: The Year of 5G, AI and Automotive

Part One: 5G 

It all comes down to a single very memorable date, February 29, 2000, which was the first time I published an international article at The Register. Twenty years and thousands of stories later, I am ready to share some of my predictions for 2020. Let me start with 5G. 

Now is the winter of AI's discontent
Published in AI
Tuesday, 14 January 2020 11:14

Now is the winter of AI's discontent

Colder nights draw in for the new tech

While AI has been big news for the last decade, researchers in the field warn that the industry is about to enter a new and much quieter phase.

AI less likely to boob in breast exams
Published in AI
Thursday, 02 January 2020 09:35

AI less likely to boob in breast exams

Could reduce errors

A Google AI system proved as good as expert radiologists at detecting which women had breast cancer based on screening mammograms and showed promise at reducing errors, researchers in the United States and Britain reported.

Intel CEO gives up chasing market share
Published in PC Hardware
Saturday, 21 December 2019 10:09

Intel CEO gives up chasing market share

CTO mindset

There was a lot of discussion about Intel’s CEO's recent presentation at the Credit Suisse technology conference. Bob Swan commented that he is willing to give up the 90 percent mark share mindset. He would instead get 30 percent of all silicon market valued at $288 TAM.

GTI and Sensory accelerate biometrics by 4X
Published in AI
Friday, 20 December 2019 12:35

GTI and Sensory accelerate biometrics by 4X

Enhanced AI Biometric Access on Edge Devices

Gyrfalcon Technology inc, GTI announced a partnership with AI solution provider Sensory to deliver low latency, high reliability embedded, machine learning capabilities on edge devices.

Intel buys Habana Labs
Published in AI
Tuesday, 17 December 2019 10:24

Intel buys Habana Labs

Wants to improve its AI

Intel has acquired Habana Labs, an Israel-based developer of programmable AI and machine learning accelerators for cloud data centres.

Emotion recognising AI should be banned
Published in AI
Monday, 16 December 2019 10:46

Emotion recognising AI should be banned

Based on fake science

A leading research centre has called for new laws to restrict the use of emotion-detecting tech which it claims is unproven technology.