Raja Koduri shows off Xe HPC
Published in AI
Monday, 01 February 2021 11:20

Raja Koduri shows off Xe HPC

Ready for power on 7nm, 10nm internal external

Raja Koduri of Intel has already talked a few times about the Xe HPC SoC codenamed Ponte Vecchio. Now Raja was happy to share that the Xe HPC is ready to power on.

AI revenue to increase by 120 percent
Published in AI
Tuesday, 26 January 2021 12:04

AI revenue to increase by 120 percent

Headed for $110 Billion

The cognitive and artificial intelligence systems market worldwide has been on the rise in recent years and is projected to reach even higher heights in the near future.

Jim Keller joins Tenstorrent
Published in AI
Thursday, 07 January 2021 09:21

Jim Keller joins Tenstorrent

A big win for AI hardware startup

Tenstorrent, a Toronto based hardware startup developing next-generation computers, announced the addition of industry veteran Jim Keller as President, CTO, and board member.

Qualcomm announces Snapdragon 480 5G
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 06 January 2021 11:27

Qualcomm announces Snapdragon 480 5G

Enables affordable 5G headsets in Q1 2021

Qualcomm is enormously benefiting from fast 5G deployment around the globe. Two years after introducing its first 5G device in the 8 series, the company announced an affordable Snapdragon 4 series chipset for affordable 5G devices.

IBM and AMD team up on AI
Published in AI
Thursday, 12 November 2020 13:03

IBM and AMD team up on AI

Want to enhance each other’s products

IBM and AMD have announced a multi-year joint development agreement to enhance and extend their security and artificial intelligence (AI) products.

2021 will be the Year of AI
Published in AI
Friday, 23 October 2020 12:50

2021 will be the Year of AI

Companies might get the hang of it says Forrester

Next year will see companies finally get the hang of AI and start to fix problems associated with it such as a lack of trust and imagination, poor data quality, little data , and a lack of good tools.

Aetina builds edge AI computer
Published in AI
Tuesday, 08 September 2020 11:28

Aetina builds edge AI computer

With Nividia Jetson Xavier NX inside

Aetina has built a new AN810-XNX edge AI computer using Nvidia’s Jetson Xavier NX.

AI makes a spectacle of itself
Published in AI
Wednesday, 02 September 2020 10:35

AI makes a spectacle of itself

Forces you to pay attention to important stuff

A new set of AI powered smart glasses monitor what you’re looking at and nudge you to pay attention to the important stuff -- such as that bloke coming at you with an axe.

Man sues Patent Office for AI slur
Published in AI
Wednesday, 26 August 2020 11:26

Man sues Patent Office for AI slur

Robot rights

A computer scientist who created an artificial intelligence system capable of generating original inventions is suing the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) over its decision earlier this year to reject two patent applications which list the algorithmic system, known as DABUS, as the inventor.

Cyborgs coming real soon now
Published in AI
Monday, 17 August 2020 16:11

Cyborgs coming real soon now

“It's intelligence, but not as we know it, Captain”

Boffins claim they've come up a material that could merge human brains with electronics.