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With Marvell 1500 Armada SoC


Dual-screen hybrid

Tuesday, 09 April 2013 23:32

Asus Fonepad coming to UK on April 26

The real Nexus 7 killer at £179.99

Tuesday, 09 April 2013 14:22

Asus MeMO Pad starts to ship

Tries to take on Nexus 7 with US $149 price tag


Will not go on sale

Highest performance per centimeter

Tuesday, 19 March 2013 15:36

Qualcomm snatches new Nexus 7 from Nvidia


Similar price, lack of LTE and delay to blame

Tuesday, 19 March 2013 10:30

ASUS plans Intel based Andriod phone

Atom goes main stream


Coming this Spring at US $1,299

Thursday, 07 March 2013 22:07

Asus working on short GTX 670 graphics card

Calls it Asus GTX 670 DirectCU Mini