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?MOH Airborne? Demo for PC is impressive

A big surprise after “MOHPA” was so bad
EA claimed that the Medal of Honor developers were going back to the drawing board to try to find their roots in the design of the new Medal of Honor Airborne game.
The demo that was launched late last week makes a pretty impressive case on how the developers intended to bring the former franchise back to its former glory. Let’s be honest: the last couple of Medal of Honor titles did not exactly set the world on fire.
The demo starts with a briefing on the pending jump into enemy territory, and before you know it you are in place and on your way into the action. The graphics looked impressive on our test rig at 1280x1024 using the ATI HD 2900XT. The frame rates were good and the textures were very impressive.
MOHA seems to be taking a page from one of the latest FPS combat titles with a mission-based team work model that seems to work well. While the AI of the troops that you are battling against seems a bit stupid at times, the look and feel of the game and weapons is still very authentically WWII.
The biggest surprise of the installation of the demo was that it included support for Ageia PhysX Processor. We really can’t give you any details on the specifics of what the advantage is for using the native PhysX Processor over the software based solution, but it is nice to see another “A” title that is supporting Ageia.
The demo was released first on FilePlanet, but our understanding is that it is starting to appear in places for download, as well. While we have not been able to give the multiplayer a work out yet as a multiplayer version of the demo has yet to be released, the single player version of the demo seems to hold a lot a potential and could be worth checking out for those who like these types of combat shooter games.