AI transcription tool whisper faces scrutiny over accuracy
Published in AI

You have a bad case of Scrutter's Cephaloanal Inversion

Hospitals are starting to use a transcription tool powered by a hallucination-prone OpenAI model.

White house orders spooks to use AI tools
Published in AI

Accelerate adoption

The White House is directing the Pentagon and intelligence agencies to accelerate their adoption of artificial intelligence.

Nvidia’s VP Discusses AI Beyond generative
Published in AI

Physical AI for Robots, cars, buildings, infrastructure

A surprising invitation from WCIT offered the chance to attend a keynote by Rev Lebaredian, Vice President of Omniverse and Simulation Technology at NVIDIA, and to learn more about Armenia's flourishing startup scene.

OpenAI and Vole get into the newsroom
Published in AI

Claims it will save jobs

OpenAI and Microsoft are jointly funding an initiative to integrate artificial intelligence tools into the newsroom, claiming it will save 21st-century journalism.

Microsoft launches autonomous AI agents in November
Published in AI

Virtual workers 

Software King of the World, Microsoft is going to allow its punters to build autonomous AI agents and create virtual workers.