Assange gets into Clinton bashing
Published in News
Wednesday, 08 June 2016 12:42

Assange gets into Clinton bashing

Google-Clinton alliance "revealed" 

Desperate to make sure he is not forgotten, Julian Assange has recycled a wonderful new conspiracy theory, which has Google working in a dark alliance with Hillary Clinton.

Microsoft open sources its Chatbot software
Published in News
Thursday, 31 March 2016 12:51

Microsoft open sources its Chatbot software

Now you can make your own racist friend

Software giant Microsoft has open-sourced its chatbot framework allowing developers to build their own versions of  Redmond's disastrous Twitter bot experiment.

Republican’s shun the Apple fanboy vote
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 26 February 2016 12:14

Republican’s shun the Apple fanboy vote

There are more important things than Apple

About the only thing that US republican presidential hopefuls can agree on is that Apple should stop mucking around and hack the San Bernardino terrorist's iPhone 5C for the FBI.

Trump rips into Apple
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 17 February 2016 16:25

Trump rips into Apple

Who do they think they are?

While the Tame Apple press has been rushing around praising Tim Cook for standing up for privacy by refusing assist the FBI crack the encryption on a mass murder’s phone, colourful Republican hopeful Donald Trump is not impressed.

Conspiracy nuts wade into Microsoft’s vote counting app
Published in News

Even if it did its job

There is nothing that Americans love more than a good conspiracy and when Ted Cruz beat Donald Trump in the Iowa Republican caucus one started to spin out of control. This one involved an Microsoft election app which was supposed to count the votes.

Donald Trump attacks Apple
Published in News
Tuesday, 19 January 2016 12:33

Donald Trump attacks Apple

Build your gear in America dammit!

Comedy presidential option Donald Trump has angered the Tame Apple Press by daring to suggest that if he was elected Apple would be forced to make its products in the US.