Azure is the better HPC
Published in News
Tuesday, 14 February 2017 11:53

Azure is the better HPC

Beats Amazon, Rackspace, IBM and a supercomputer

While replacing supercomputers with cloud computing frameworks is becoming a bit of a thing, some clouds are better than others.

Japan plans to build the world's largest super computer
Published in News

130 petaflops 

Japan's government  plans to build the world’s fastest-known supercomputer for developing and improving AI, driverless cars, robotics and medical diagnostics.

Nvidia shows off “most efficient” super computer
Published in Graphics

DGX SaturnV with its Tesla P100s

The GPU maker named after a Roman vengeance daemon, Nvidia, has been patting itself on the back over the DGX SaturnV, which it says is the most energy efficient supercomputer of all time.

Russian boffins love their Nvidia GPUs
Published in Graphics
Thursday, 30 June 2016 12:04

Russian boffins love their Nvidia GPUs

Home PC is faster than a supercomputer

Russian researchers at the Lomonosov Moscow State University have taken a consumer-level Nvidia GPU and programmed it to beat a super-computer.

China builds supercomputer without US
Published in PC Hardware
Tuesday, 21 June 2016 11:20

China builds supercomputer without US

We don't need your imperalist Xeons

China has stuck two fingers up at the US ban on it importing Intel Xeon chips, by building the world's fastest super computer based around its own home grown chips.

French build their own exaflop supercomputer
Published in News

Ready by 2020

The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission has written a cheque to the Atos to build a supercomputer it hopes will reach exaflop levels of performance by 2020.

Nvidia gets atomic
Published in Graphics
Monday, 16 November 2015 15:44

Nvidia gets atomic

Models hundreds of atoms at once

Nvidia is claiming that its Tesla GPUs can speed up a key atom modelling software used by scientists of study the atomic level of materials.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014 16:07

Supercomputers “slow down”

y globe

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Must be very precise
Thursday, 28 October 2010 10:33

Nvidia chips power fastest supercomputer


Someone has to buy them