Workers weaponising AI to swamp employers with lawsuits
Published in AI

Poor lambs

Disgruntled employees are using AI to flood businesses with inaccurate and costly lawsuits, forcing companies to spend vast amounts defending themselves, legal experts have warned.

Labour defended its website with a $20-a-month package
Published in News

Security for the many, not the few

Britain’s Labour Party was using a $20 a month “basic security” service to protect its website when hackers attempted to force it offline last week and temporarily slowed down online campaigning.

UK Labour Party plans to nationalise broadband
Published in News

Free internet for all

Britain’s opposition Labour Party plans to nationalise BT’s broadband network to provide free internet for all, a radical election pledge to roll back 35 years of private ownership that caught both the company and its shareholders by surprise.

Hackers hit UK political parties
Published in News
Wednesday, 13 November 2019 12:21

Hackers hit UK political parties

Russian into western politics again

Hackers have been hitting Britain’s two main political parties attempting to force political websites offline with a flood of malicious traffic just weeks ahead of a national election.