Man uses DDoS attacks to censor news he didn’t like
No he was not an AMD, Nvidia, Intel or Apple fanboy
A 32-year-old Seattle man is in hot water after claims he launched a DDoS attack on a US-based legal services website to force it to remove a link about his past criminal conduct.
After firing humans Facebook news is all lies
You probably were not expecting this
Social Notworking outfit Facebook got into trouble when it was claimed that humans picking the news were biased against US conservatives, so the humans were replaced by an algorithm.
TV news takes a turn for the worst
Apple fanboys replace real cameras with iPhones
There is always a great danger when an Apple fanboy gets control of a hardware budget and a Swiss television station is going to find out the hard way.
French Magazine busted for writing about piracy
Liberté de la presse
The French have surrendered any concept of a free press to silence a magazine that wrote about pirated film, television, and music.
Apple results show weaknesses
OK for now, but still no plan
Apple released some reasonable results which seem to show that in the long term the company could be facing trouble.
Ubisoft talks Rainbow 6 news
No-show was the best thing for the brand
Durango said to have two GPUs
For release Holiday Season 2013
Has Prey 2 been cancelled?
Bethesda has no comment
AMD promises Avatar-like graphics on Xbox 720
Pandora coming to a TV near you
Google news just made itself irrelevant
Too clever for its own good