US IT giants spend fortunes stamping out competition
Published in News

Capitalism in action

US tech giants are spending fortunes keeping rivals away from their monopolies, according to a new report from Bloomberg.

Amazon plans to release eight IoT devices
Published in IoT
Tuesday, 18 September 2018 10:27

Amazon plans to release eight IoT devices

Alexa powered

Online bookseller Amazon is planning to release at least eight  new voice controlled hardware devices before the end of the year.

Amazon haunted by caged employee patent
Published in News
Friday, 14 September 2018 12:06

Amazon haunted by caged employee patent

Old patent

A patent filed in 2016 in which human workers are put into cages while robots scuttle around has returned to haunt Amazon just as it's under major pressure over the way it treats people who work in its warehouses.

France and Germany working out how to tax big tech
Published in News

France suggests a sunset clause

The European Union is working out a way to tax big tech and thinks that an agreement could still be found by the end of the year.

Amazon abandons the Oracle
Published in News
Thursday, 02 August 2018 11:50

Amazon abandons the Oracle

Herculean task

Online bookseller Amazon has had enough of Oracle’s database ways and says it will be off the software by 2020.

Rekognition claimed 24 Congress members were criminals
Published in AI

So that works then

The US Congress is up in arms when Amazon’s face recognition software, called Rekognition, identified more than two dozen members of Congress as people arrested for crimes.

Google fights Amazon on assistant front
Published in News

Sorry, can I hear an echo?Sorry, can I hear an echo?

A report suggests that Google is so alarmed by Alexa's dominance on the home intelligence assistant front that it is pouring vast amounts of energy to play catch up with Amazon.

Amazon announces Fire TV Cube
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 07 June 2018 21:26

Amazon announces Fire TV Cube

Combines Echo with Fire TV for US $119.99

Amazon has officially announced the Fire TV Cube, a small cube which combines Echo with Fire TV to bring, what Amazon calls, the first hands-free media player with Alexa.

Agressive Oracle hacking off customers
Published in Cloud

Trying to start a Krays 

Oracle customers are getting upset with the company’s aggressive sales tactics as it tries to catch up to Amazon in the cloud market

Top three AIs are pretty stupid
Published in AI
Monday, 30 April 2018 10:37

Top three AIs are pretty stupid

Google is brighter, Siri is as intelligent as plankton 

A new report has named Google as the cleverest AI but warns all three of the leading machines are pretty pants and disappointing.