Qualcomm is in trouble
Sinking as Mediatek grows
Last week’s Qualcomm results confirmed what Wall Street had suspected for a while – Qualcomm is in trouble.

Samsung in a Spin
Two Ultra HD notebooks
After not doing much on the notebook front this year, Samsung has just released two ultra-hd models.

Jim Keller was not a big fan of K12
Exclusive: Zen drive more important
Legendary, now ex AMD chief engineer Jim Keller was not a fan of the ARM-based K12 and sidelined it in favour of Zen development.

Tablet venders try to get specific
Might save the Tablet industry
Tablet venders are rethinking the model away from the law laid down by Steve Jobs which decreed they needed to be big smartphones which cannot make a call.

Smartphone sales growth drops to six year low
Strategy Analytics says it has not been this bad since 2009.
Global smartphone sales are slowing down and while the Tame Apple Press is ignoring that even Jobs’ Mob is being effected, it seems that the industry is as bad as it was in 2009.

Galaxy 5 is the Dutch police’s new weapon of choice
Can tap police database
Dutch coppers have been issued Galaxy S5’s as part of their basic kit.

Chinese foundries developing FinFET rival
Slimming down with Ultra-Thin Body processes
Chinese foundries are ignoring FinFET technology and are developing Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Insulator (FD-SOI), or also called Ultra-Thin Body (UTB), processes for wafer production.

Samsung officially announces 18.4-inch Galaxy View tablet
18.4-inch tablet with low pixel density
After plenty of rumors, Samsung has now officially announced its 18.4-inch Galaxy View tablet.

Snapdragon 820 might have heating problems
UPDATED: Qualcomm denies it
The original story was pulled from the website and Qualcomm sent us the following statement:

Samsung might equip Galaxy S7 with high-end audio chip
And three different SoCs
There have been quite a few rumors regarding Samsung's next Galaxy flagship smartphone and the latest one suggest that Samsung might equip the Galaxy S7 with high-end ESS SABRE 9018AQ2M audio chip.